Assistencia hasta $500


Fondo de Asistencia

para los Miembros

Este programa proporciona asistencia directa en efectivo de hasta 500 para miembros elegibles de AmeriCorps que viven y prestan servicios en Ohio.

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Más información
Assistencia hasta
En colaboración con

Cronología de Solicitudes y Pagos

1 Week

Solicitud abierta

Las solicitudes están abiertas y permanecerán abiertas hasta que se agoten los fondos.

Revisión de la solicitud

Las solicitudes se revisarán semanalmente.

Decisiones y pagos

Las decisiones y los pagos se enviarán semanalmente.
Bringing smiles together
Hands-on for change
Tener al menos 17 años en el momento de la solicitud

Reside en Ohio

Ser un miembro activo de AmeriCorps sirviendo 100 horas o más en un programa ServeOhio

Tiene una emergencia financiera que ocurrió el 1 de agosto de 2024 o después

Cumplir con todos los requisitos

Para postularse, debe cumplir TODOS los requisitos.

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Hands in, hearts full

Gastos de Emergencia Elegibles

El gasto de emergencia que amenaza la capacidad de un miembro para continuar su servicio debe estar dentro de las siguientes categorías:

Perdida Familiar





Seleccionar la categoría de emergencia "Otro" puede requerir una revisión adicional. Esté preparado para proporcionar documentación de respaldo.

Para obtener más información sobre los gastos elegibles, visite FAQ .

Visite FAQ
Leading with heart and purpose

Cómo solicitar

Deberá cargar documentos para confirmar su identidad y su conexión con Ohio, una captura de pantalla de myAmeriCorps que verifique su condición de miembro de AmeriCorps y una prueba de necesidad dependiendo de cuánto solicite.

Solicitar ahora
Paso 1
Haga clic para solicitar
Esto lo llevará a la página de la solicitud.
Crea una cuenta
Proporcionar correo electrónico y crear contraseña.
Solicitud completa
Complete el formulario de solicitud y cargue
el requerido documentos. Su aplicación  
automáticamente guárdalo para que puedas
regresar en cualquier momento.
Entregar solicitud
Envíe su solicitud para recibir un mensaje de
texto de confirmación y correo electrónico
con su ID de envío. Guarde este
código para realizar un seguimiento
 su aplicación o póngase en contacto con el soporte.
Central Park Nov 2024

Required Documents

Deberá cargar documentos para confirmar su identidad y residencia, y una captura de pantalla de su página de inicio de my.AmeriCorps o eGrants para verificar su estado de miembro de AmeriCorps.

Seleccione un documento de la Lista A (Identidad y Residencia) O un documento de la Lista B (Identidad) y la Lista C (Residencia) para cargar.

ListA A
Identidad y Residencia
Sólo se necesita un documento para confirmar la identidad y la residencia.
State Identification Card showing your full name and address
State Driver License showing your full name and address
Utility bill showing your full name and current address
Cell phone bill or internet bill showing your full name and current address
Insurance statement showing your full name and current address
Bank statement showing your full name and current address
2022 or 2023 tax return showing your full name and current address
Paystub from employer showing your full name and your current address
ListA B
Sólo se necesita un documento para confirmar la identidad y la residencia.
Any State Identification Card showing your full name
Any State Driver's License showing full name
Any government issued card showing your full name
Passport showing your full name
Birth certificate showing your full name
ListA C
Sólo se necesita un documento para confirmar la identidad y la residencia.
Signed and dated letter* stating the full name and phone number of the person writing the letter from the following entities acknowledging your State residency:
Representative from your place of worship
Social worker or advocate

*You may use this template for this application.

** Plaid Verification: If you have a Ohio Driver’s License or State ID card, you are able to use our **express verification** to verify your identity and residency. You can be finished in as quick as 30 seconds!

AmeriCorps Member Verification: You will need to upload a screenshot of your my.AmeriCorps or eGrants homepage to confirm that you are an active AmeriCorps member in an eligible program. For an example, please visit



Call our team at (206) 558-6144 if you have questions


For the fastest response, send us a text at (866) 953-3543


Email the team at


Take the control of your emergency. Start today!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the AmeriCorps Member Assistance Fund?
Which AmeriCorps programs are eligible?
What is considered an emergency expense?
What is not considered an emergency expense?
My emergency expense occurred prior to the launch, am I able to apply?
Will I be required to provide documentation to prove financial need?
I currently do not have permanent housing. Can I still apply, and how can I receive financial aid without a mailing address?
I currently do not have permanent housing. What residency documents can I use?
I currently do not have permanent housing. What address can I use on my application?
I live outside of the state boundaries. Can I still apply?
Are there any other options if I am not able to receive financial aid from the Member Assistance Fund?
Will every AmeriCorps member who applies receive financial assistance?
How are eligible applicants selected?
When are applications due?
What kind of documents will I need to submit?
There are multiple AmeriCorps members living at my address. How should we apply?
If I help someone complete an application, what information do I need to share with them?
How do I update my information or correct an error after I submit my application?
Is there an appeal process if after I apply I do not receive financial aid from the Member Assistance Fund?
What happens if I submit a duplicate application by mistake? Am I then disqualified as a result?
I submitted my application, but haven’t heard back yet. When will I find out if I’ve been approved?
Is this a one-time payment?
When will I get my payment?
How can I receive payments?
Can I have my payment sent to a different address from my residential address?
If approved, can I change my form of payment?
If approved, can I change my award amount?
If I am awarded emergency funding, will my taxes be impacted?
Is the information I provide in the application confidential?
The my.AmeriCorps or eGrants portal screenshots have sensitive information such as my Social Security Number. How can I share my information privately?
Why am I being asked demographic questions? Will my answers affect my eligibility?
Making connections that matter

Get started today!

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